помогите пожалуйста только правильно и полностью! дам 50 баллов Choose the correct answers A, B or C. 6. During the Light Sleep stage: A Movement of the body might occur: B. Muscle activity increases: C It is not easy to be woken up 7. The brain activity is really high. A. During the stage of True Sleep B. During REM sleep: C. When we are awake 8. The consequence of lack of sleep: A. difficulties in adapting to the changes: B. it is normal state: C. There is a few consequences. but not so significant​


Ответ дал: riley43


6. During the Light Sleep stage:

A. Movement of the body might occur.

7. The brain activity is really high.

B. During REM sleep.

8. The consequence of lack of sleep:

A. Difficulties in adapting to the changes.


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