C. Complete with the correct form of the verb used to and the words in the box. 1. A: drink B: I don't know. 2. Brian 3.1 4. A: live B: Yes, I did. 5. My brother 6. Alison not watch people play be not go coffee in the 17th century? good at maths but now he thinks it's hard. to the youth club but now I go every day. you in New York when you were a child? ice hockey when he was young. Now he doesn't. TV two years ago. Now she watches TV all day.​



Ответ дал: 45h31
1. Did people use to drink coffee in the 17th century?

2. Brian used to be good at maths but now he thinks it's hard.

3. I didn't use to go to the youth club but now I go everyday.

4. Did you use to live in New York when you were a child?

5. My brother used to play ice hockey when he was young. Now he doesn't.

6. Alison used to not watch TV two years ago. Now she watches TV all day.
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