эссе на тему my everyday chores либо на тему Free-time acticities
ОТДАЙ ВСЕ ЧТО ЕСТЬ​ на английском


Ответ дал: liltitle23


chores: Doing household chores is a necessary part of our life. People all over the world try to work hard. They usually have a lot of duties. I have a lot of duties, too. My parents are often tired and I must take care of them. Everybody is happy when the home is always bright and clean. Day after day I can have fun when I do my household chores. I sweep the floor, tidy my room, clean the shoes, dust the furniture, make food myself and do every kind of work. It's not easy to do every kind of work at home, but I can learn to do everything myself.

When I do my household chores well, everybody in the family is happy. If I have a holiday party at home, I can help my mother and grandmother a lot. How happy mother is to see everything bright! It's a nice present for my parents to tidy the house! It's wonderful to make people happy! If I have time, my mother asks me to go to the shop. I go there and buy bread, eggs and sugar. Very often I go to the market with my mother. We buy some vegetables and fruits. Then I help my mother to carry them. My mother cooks well; sometimes I help her when she makes cakes. She usually makes them before holidays and on my birthday.

Acrivites: Free Time

Most people have hobbies and interests which they prefer doing in their free time.

As for me, I don’t get much free time, especially on weekdays. However, at weekends I try to do the activities I like most of all. They are skating, bowling, dancing, swimming, reading, listening to music and going out with my friends. Ice-skating is something that I have taken up recently and I quite enjoy it. Swimming is my all time favourite activity. For bowling and dancing I need a company. Sometimes me and my friends go to the nearest disco and dance there. The ground floor has bowling alleys, so we can combine these two activities.

Перевод: Свободное время. У большинства людей есть хобби и интересы, которыми они предпочитают заниматься в свое свободное время.Что касается меня, то у меня нет много свободного времени, особенно в будние дни. Однако в выходные я стараюсь делать все, что мне нравится больше всего. Сюда относятся катание на коньках, боулинг, танцы, плавание, чтение, слушать музыку и прогулка с друзьями. Катанием на коньках я начала заниматься совсем недавно, и мне это даже нравится. Плавание является моим самым любимым занятием. Для боулинга и танцев мне нужна компания. Иногда я и мои друзья ходим на ближайшую дискотеку потанцевать. На первом этаже расположен боулинг, так что мы можем совмещать эти два занятия.

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