Card 2. Prepare an individual talk. The following questions will help you to organize your talk.

1. In what ways are you similar to and different from your grandparents, parents, brothers and sisters?

2. Who are you most/least similar to in your family? (character, habits, looks)

3. Do you know anyone who is an only child? What are they like?


Do you think being an only child is good?​


Ответ дал: abylaisultan09


блмим өзімде

Объяснение:Сендер маган айтыңдарш

marusazantekina: ауырма шее
marusazantekina: шешее
sirotinmaks10: Идеально
netd4272: еблаанн?
tomiris9763: пидррпррр
aruzanesenalieva81: ма куамайсын ба біз жауабын тауалмай жатрсақ
oznblw: пр всем
tomiris9763: не привет
oznblw: чтм
tomiris9763: че там
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