Make up your own sentences to show the difference in their usage: Nail, brace, tack, place, step, check, design, bolt, run, support, lift, weight


Ответ дал: rampagecim


She used a nail to hang the picture on the wall.

I need to brace the shelf to make sure it's secure.

He used a tack to pin the notice on the bulletin board.

Can you place the vase on the table, please?

Be careful where you step; there's a loose tile on the floor.

Let's do a quick check of the inventory to see what's missing.

The design of the new building is modern and innovative.

I need a bolt to secure the bicycle rack.

He likes to run in the park every morning.

The columns support the weight of the roof.

Can you help me lift this heavy box?

The weight of the luggage made it difficult to carry.


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