Tasks for the Suumative A sessmnt for the term 1.
Lisfen to the conversation about the exam preparation and answ er the questions
1 Whar does the teacher want the students to do?
2 Whar kind of a study place does the teacher suggest finding?
3 Whar are students advised to do?
4 Where can students do past exam papers?
5 Whar is important for the students?
6 Whar is the teacher sure about the stu dents ?
Помогите пожалуйста кто даст правильный ответ 100 быллов ​



Ответ дал: sweetgirlsd
думаю что это алатаьаььааььавьвьтвтваттвтвтатв

kastet409: да же не то задание
kastet409: зачем так делать
Вас заинтересует