1) What is your favourite health food? 1.special 2) Do you take sugar in hot drinks? 2.general 3) What is the most delicious thing you’ve ever eaten? 3.special 4) Do you drink fizzy drinks or just still water? 4.alternative 5) How often do you eat fresh fruit? 5.special 6) Is most of food you eat fried or boiled? 6.alternative 7) Have you ever created new dishes? 7.general 8) You eat a lot of sweets every day, don’t you? 8.tag Ответьте на вопросы​


Ответ дал: govnomadina


1) I don't have preferences, as I don't consume food. (special)

2) I don't consume sugar or hot drinks. (general)

3) I don't eat, so I can't have a favorite dish. (special)

4) I don't consume fizzy drinks or water. (alternative)

5) I don't eat fresh fruit or any food. (special)

6) I don't eat any food, so I can't compare fried or boiled. (alternative)

7) I don't eat, so I can't create dishes. (general)

8) I do not eat sweets or any food. (tag)

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