Помогите пожалуйста.
Read the text again and complete the sentences.

1. Television is certainly one of the most... 2. Through TV you are able... 3. Different groups of people are... 4. One of the most important peo- ple is... 5. A producer... 6. The next very important people are... 7. Scriptwriters develop... 8. Graphic designers provide... 9. And people who understand in all these cables and buttons on a control... 10. A camera crew, a sound team... 11. And finally, the people who bring all this news to your homes are... 12. Reporters gather information...


Ответ дал: firbes

Ответ:1. Television is certainly one of the most **popular** forms of entertainment.

2. Through TV you are able **to access a wide range of information and entertainment**.

3. Different groups of people are **involved in the TV industry**.

4. One of the most important people is **the director**.

5. A producer **oversees the entire production process**.

6. The next very important people are **the actors and presenters**.

7. Scriptwriters develop **the storylines and dialogues**.

8. Graphic designers provide **visual elements and graphics**.

9. And people who understand all these cables and buttons on a control **panel are technicians**.

10. A camera crew, a sound team **work behind the scenes to capture and record the content**.

11. And finally, the people who bring all this news to your homes are **broadcasters**.

12. Reporters gather information **for news reports**.


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