b) Give your own answers.
1 Do you learn German?____________
2Does your mother have a job? ______
3Do your friends play computer games?_ 4Are you painting at the moment? ____
5 Is your teacher talking to you right now?_____
6 Are your classmates sitting near you now?__________​


Ответ дал: firbes

Ответ:вам нужно самим ответить так как я не щнаю учите ли вы немецкий

1 No, I don't learn German.

2 Yes, my mother has a job.

3 Yes, my friends play computer games.

4 No, I'm not painting at the moment.

5 No, my teacher is not talking to me right now.

6 No, my classmates are not sitting near me now.


Ответ дал: nastiastepanuk2010


yes I do/no i don't

yes she does/no she doesn't

yes they do/no they don't

yes i am /no i am not

yes she is/no she isn't

Пояснення:я зробила по дві бо я не знала чи маю відповідати як так чи як ні

Вас заинтересует