Составить 8 предложений с this is that is these are those are на английском (хотя это и так понятно)


Ответ дал: anatoley421


This is my new laptop, and that is my old one.

These are my favorite books, and those are yours.

This is the city where I was born, and that is where I grew up.

These are the shoes I wear for running, and those are for hiking.

This is a delicious cake, and that is a scrumptious pie.

These are the photos from our last vacation, and those are from our family reunion.

This is my pet dog, and that is my sister's pet cat.

These are the vegetables I need for the salad, and those are for the stir-fry.


Дай 5 зірочок та сердечко, будь-ласка)

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