СРОЧНО ПОЖАЛУЙСТА use the right forms of the verbs in present simple or present progressive 1. Nick (think) of going to Paris next autumn. 2. Are you sure it's sugar? It (taste) very bitter. 3. Well, Tom, you always (lose) your keys. You've lost at least three keys recently! 4. Can't you hear what I (say)? I (ask) you to help me 5. Have you got any idea when our exams (begin)? 6. May I ask you to dance with me? - Sorry, I (not, dance). 7. I'm afraid I (forget) when the film (start): at 7.30 or 9.30. 8. Well. Peter, there's one thing I know for sure: you constantly (lie) to everybody! 9. The plane (arrive) at eight. We won't be late, don't worry! 10. I (hear) you (get) married. Take my best congratulations!


Ответ дал: Bellringer


1 thinks

2 tastes

3 loose

4 said

5 asked

6 begins

7 forgot, starts

8 lied

9 arrives

10 heard, married

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