Listening Task. Listen to a talk about iPhones as musical instruments. Complete the sentences using 1-2 words for each answer. Before you listen to the recording, take a moment to look through the definitions of any unknown words. ● Sample questions and mark scheme Tasks for Summative Assessment for term 1 ● The Definitions of the Words Ensemble - group of musicians who regularly play together Motion - the act or process of moving Sensor - a tool that is used to record that something is present or there are some changes ● Wireless radios - radios that are connected with a computer with a system of signals • Hi-tech - using the most modern methods and machines, especially electronic ones Innovative - new and interesting 1. Scientists of the Michigan University created a 21st century 2. The project has people from the university's music, engineering departments. 3. Their first concert will be on 4. Professor Georg Essl is a 5. Professor Essl was enthusiastic about this 6. According to him, iPhones can be used for December the 9th. and an engineer. and form of music. [1] [1] 1161 Don Not Doy It's I lov I can I love It's n Do yes No, I or an ALU in int d It a e пожалуйста сочч​


Ответ дал: lonzer91


1. Scientists of the Michigan University created a 21st century ensemble.

2. The project has people from the university's music and engineering departments.

3. Their first concert will be on December the 9th.

4. Professor Georg Essl is a professor and an engineer.

5. Professor Essl was enthusiastic about this form of music.

6. According to him, iPhones can be used for innovative and hi-tech motion sensors.

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