Помогите пожалуйста!!

1. If you
2. We
(to take) your mobile phone into class, it
(not use) calculators when we
(must) be turned off.
(write) tests.
3. If you... (not help) me, I... (not pass) the exam tomorrow.
4. We... (buy) this car if you ... (give) us a discount.
5. If my dad... (find) his tools, he ... (be able) to repair my bike.
6. If he ... (be) my friend, I ... (invite) him to the party.
7. If I... (be) taller, I... (become) a basketball player.
8. If an asteroid ... (hit) our planet, it ... (cause) an ice age.
9. They... (not let) you into the cinema if you ... (lose) your tickets.
10. If my sister ... (travel) to Japan, she ... (buy) a kimono for me



Ответ дал: firbes


1. If you (take) your mobile phone into class, it (must not use) calculators when we (write) tests.

2. We (not buy) this car if you (not give) us a discount.

3. If you (not help) me, I (will not pass) the exam tomorrow.

4. If my dad (finds) his tools, he (will be able) to repair my bike.

5. If he (is) my friend, I (will invite) him to the party.

6. If I (were) taller, I (would become) a basketball player.

7. If an asteroid (hits) our planet, it (will cause) an ice age.

8. They (will not let) you into the cinema if you (lose) your tickets.

9. If my sister (travels) to Japan, she (will buy) a kimono for me.


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