Complete the sentences to make them true for 1 When I was doing my homework last night, you.


When I got up this morning

It was raining when my friends and I

My friend rang me while

5 We were watching TV when

While I was going to school last week,

I was doing some shopping when

When I was looking for a book in the library,


Ответ дал: svetazc1967

Ответ:Certainly, I'll help you complete the sentences to make them true:

1. When I was doing my homework last night, you were studying for your exams.

2. When I got up this morning, the sun was shining brightly.

3. It was raining when my friends and I decided to stay indoors and play board games.

4. My friend rang me while I was cooking dinner.

5. We were watching TV when suddenly the power went out.

6. While I was going to school last week, I met an old friend on the way.

7. I was doing some shopping when I ran into my neighbor at the store.

8. When I was looking for a book in the library, I stumbled upon an interesting historical novel.


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