ww for the term Read the text and mark the sentences as True (T) or False (F). Is it necessary to have a hobby? I think that a hobby is very important. This is your free time activity. Such hobbies as dancing, football, volleyball, drawing, needlework, chess, and swimming are really perfect. Some people say that to have a hobby is not necessarily. A hobby, in their opinion, is a waste of time. But I think it is wrong. In general, I think that to have a hobby is important and necessary. It is just to find employment, which is pleasant for you. And even more, a hobby can help to get acquainted with new people and to expand your horizons. Search for your hobby, it will help you in many ways. And if you all ready to have it, don't stop on. A hobby makes the world more interesting! 1. Hobby is very important for me. 2. People say that it is necessary to have a hobby. 3. Some people think that hobby is a waste of time. 4. A hobby can help to get acquainted with new people 5. Searching for your hobby will help you in many ways 6. A hobby doesn't make the world interesting. 7. A hobby is just to find employment, which is pleasant for you 8. A hobby is not your free time activity​


Ответ дал: fokichevegor8









kiborgybitca228: а 7 и 8?
Ответ дал: Revvtop


1 T

2 F

3 T

4 T

5 T

6 F

7 T

8 F


Hobby is very important for every person, you can find your talent and do it in your free time

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