Complete the text reasons, adults, in love, get angry, intolerance, conflicts, argument, get along with, violence, decide

There are (1)... everywhere: in families, between neighbours or between the boys and the girls in your class. What are the (2)... of these conflicts? Perhaps the neighbours (3) ... because your football lands in their garden, or because your music is too loud. May (4)... say hasty things about your hairstyle or about the way you dress. Perhaps your mother has a serious (5)... with you because of your boyfriend. Perhaps your brother and his best friend have become bitter rivals because they are (6)... with the same girl. Or a friend in your class cannot (7)... which classmates or teachers he/she should invite to a party.

And if you open a newspaper, almost every day you will find reports about individuals, groups of people or countries that do not (8) ... each other at all. Lies, misunderstandings, prejudice', (9) and discrimination often cause serious problems which can lead to (10) ... or even war.​


Ответ дал: viktoriatrocin3


1. conflicts

2. reasons

3. get angry

4. they

5. argument

6. in love

7. decide

8. get along with

9. intolerance

10. violence

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