Complete the sentences with the words in the box. good well terrible carefully terribly careful 1. I didn't do In the maths test. I need to study more. 2. She closed the door and left the room. 3. I don't think Olivia can become a singer. She sings 4. Miranda is a very student and a nice person. All her teachers like her. 5. I saw this 6. Please be film last night. I didn't like it. around here. It isn't very safe. D. Complete using personal pronouns. 1. Are Nancy and Jason there? Tell I'm coming 2. When Lisa calls, can you give my mobile phone number? are here for the weekend. 3. These are my friends, Martha and Irene. 4. Please make some tea. We are cold. 5. Jake Smith is a history teacher. likes history very much. 6. Don't tell what is in the bag. I like surprises​


Ответ дал: firbes


1. I didn't do well in the maths test. I need to study more.

2. She closed the door carefully and left the room.

3. I don't think Olivia can become a singer. She sings terribly.

4. Miranda is a very careful student and a nice person. All her teachers like her.

5. I saw this terrible film last night. I didn't like it. It isn't very safe around here.

Using personal pronouns:

1. Are Nancy and Jason there? Tell them I'm coming.

2. When Lisa calls, can you give her my mobile phone number?

3. These are my friends, Martha and Irene.

4. Please make some tea. We are cold.

5. Jake Smith is a history teacher. He likes history very much.

6. Don't tell me what is in the bag. I like surprises.


alinavallo13kart: 4.Please make ME some tea
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