Complete the conversations with the past simple, present perfect simple or present perfect continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 A: What's that smell? B: I _____ (paint) the living room. I ____ (nearly/f i nish). A: Where _____ (buy) the paint? I _____ (never/smell) anything like it! B: I _____ (get) it from the new hardware store that _____ {just/open) in the mall.
2.A: _____ (you/see) my car keys?
_____ (look) for them for ages.
B: No. ____ (you/try) looking in the bedroom? I _____ (f i nd) them under the bed when you lost them last week.
A: I certainly _____ (not leave) them there.
B: Are you sure you _____ (not put) them in your bag last night?
A: Oh yes! Here they are!​


Ответ дал: viktoriatrocin3


1. A: What's that smell?

B: I **have been painting** the living room. I **have nearly finished**.

A: Where **did you buy** the paint? I **have never smelled** anything like it!

B: I **got** it from the new hardware store that **has just opened** in the mall.

2. A: **Have you seen** my car keys? **I've been looking** for them for ages.

B: No. **Have you tried** looking in the bedroom? I **found** them under the bed when you lost them last week.

A: I certainly **did not leave** them there.

B: Are you sure you **did not put** them in your bag last night?

A: Oh yes! Here they are!

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