1. I ___ for-a certain class of women. (not/care)
2. We __ that we had to have a new wife every
year or two; we stuck to the old ones; the ones that had helped us get our starts. (not/think)
3. I __ you were right but I do now. (not/believe)
4. __ here? (the angels/live/?)
5. When I come to think of it, I'm not at all sure that I wasn't his most particular friend; for we ____
and speak whenever we met.
6. On the other side of the Atlantic, the little boys ____
Christmas by blowing unmelodious horns.
7. I __ him with the officers.(see)
8. We ___ in the same room. (sleep)


Ответ дал: ilyailil
1.i am not care
2.are not
3.i am not believe
4.the angels are live here?
5. are stop
6.are not celebrate
7.i am see
8.we are sleep.
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