. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb have got. 1. My neighbours a big family. They 2. Penny a brother. He's a chef and he 3. This is Mike and his brother Steven. They 5. We 6. My brother 7. Derek 8.- - Yes, 1 you four children. a wife and two children. red mobile phones. three sisters: Helen, Debbie and Joanna. a new French teacher, Miss Bernard. two notebooks. They are black. two brothers. He is an only child. a Polish classmate? please ​


Ответ дал: UnitedAssist

1. My neighbors have got a big family. They have four children.

2. Penny has a brother. He's a chef, and he has a wife and two children.

3. This is Mike and his brother Steven. They have red mobile phones.

4. We have three sisters: Helen, Debbie, and Joanna.

5. We have a new French teacher, Miss Bernard.

6. My brother has two notebooks. They are black.

7. Derek has two brothers. He is an only child.

8. - Have you got a Polish classmate?

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