2 in pairs, compare these people, places and things. Use the adjectives in brackets. (small/big)

1 Canada/Ireland(small/big).

2 Jennifer Lawrence / Brad Pitt (young/old)

3 rap/reggae (good/bad)

4 Beyoncé / Lily Allen (successful)

5 Harry Potter / Homer Simpson (funny)

6 Batman/Spider-Man (nice)​


Ответ дал: tulendinovtemirlan


Certainly! Here are the comparisons with the specified adjectives:

1. Canada (big) / Ireland (small).

2. Jennifer Lawrence (young) / Brad Pitt (old).

3. Rap (good) / Reggae (bad).

4. Beyoncé (successful) / Lily Allen (successful).

5. Harry Potter (funny) / Homer Simpson (funny).

6. Batman (nice) / Spider-Man (nice).

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