History 1 Look at the picture and read the title. Why do you think people called Florence Nightingale "The Lady with the Lamp"? Read and check.​


Ответ дал: ef14081976


Florence Nightingale was called "The Lady with the Lamp" because she would often walk the wards of the hospital at night, carrying a lamp to check on her patients. She was known for her dedication to her patients and her tireless work to improve the conditions of the hospital. She is considered to be the founder of modern nursing.

Nightingale's work during the Crimean War, where she cared for wounded soldiers in squalid conditions, helped to cement her reputation as "The Lady with the Lamp." She was also a pioneer in the field of nursing, developing new methods of patient care and education.

briannamoen4: а это правильный ответ??
Erichiykamado: хз
ef14081976: Правильный, конечно
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