READING Task 1. Read the text and complete the sentences Living or Nonliving What is the difference between something that is alive and something Living things grow, need water and air and can make offspring. produce seeds that make other plants. They need water and they gro are living. Things like stones, fire and water are non-living. Stones Fire does not need water. Water will not grow on its own. A chai Wolter and dir. soil living or nonliving? 1. What do living things need? 2. Name a living thing 3. Name non-living things 4. Why is a stone a non-living? 5. Is soil living or non-living? Даю 100 балов!.!!!


Ответ дал: dogedoge7782


1)Water and air



4) Because it doesn't need water and air to grow and it doesn't grow

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