9. Match the questions to the answers and draw arrows.
1. Where did Sandra spend last summer?-
2. Where did the children go in hot weather?
3. What game did the children play in the playground?
4. How many libraries are there in Hilltown?
a. Badminton.
b. In Hilltown.
c. There are two.
d. To the river.


Ответ дал: asadbekgg



Here's how you can match the questions to the answers with arrows:

  1. Where did Sandra spend last summer? -> b. In Hilltown.
  2. Where did the children go in hot weather? -> d. To the river.
  3. What game did the children play in the playground? -> a. Badminton.
  4. How many libraries are there in Hilltown? -> c. There are two.
Ответ дал: Kormash

1. Where did Sandra spend last summer? ⟶ d. To the river.
2. Where did the children go in hot weather? ⟶ d. To the river.
3. What game did the children play in the playground? ⟶ a. Badminton.
4. How many libraries are there in Hilltown? ⟶ c. There are two.

meherremlihulya24: Thanks you ❤️
Kormash: you’re welcome!
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