David has just spent a week on holiday in Greece with his wife Mary. Ask him some questions about his holiday using words and phrases from the box. Use his answers to help you. Did Did Did Were 2 You: 3 You: 4 You: ➤You: Did Mary, enjoy the holiday?.. 1 You: 5 You: 6 You: Was Was Was the hotel www the sea Mary the airport Mary the restaurants learn you like N enjoy busy? - expensive? warm? - David: Yes, she had a good time. - David: Yes, there were thousands of people at the airport. - David: Yes, the water was very warm. - David: No, they were quite cheap. David: No, it's a difficult language for me. David: Yes, she swam and sunbathed every day. David: Yes, it was a lovely hotel. comfortable? the beaches? any Greek? the holiday?.​


Ответ дал: retroheart99


ou: Did Mary enjoy the holiday?

David: Yes, she had a good time.

You: Was the hotel comfortable?

David: Yes, it was a lovely hotel.

You: Were the beaches busy?

David: No, they were quite cheap.

You: Was the sea warm?

David: Yes, the water was very warm.

You: Did you like any Greek restaurants?

David: No, it's a difficult language for me.

You: Were there any Greek people at the hotel?

David: Yes, she swam and sunbathed every day.

You: Was the airport busy?

David: Yes, there were thousands of people at the airport.


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