18 12 What was Ann's town like thirty year ago? Make sentences23 1 X 2 many cars X a museum 1 There wasn't a museum. 3 a funfair 4 a school 4 5 5 a sports centre 6 two parks X​


Ответ дал: olgasudakova337


Ann's town thirty years ago was quite different from what it is today. There wasn't a museum at that time. Similarly, there wasn't a funfair, but there was a school. Surprisingly, there wasn't a sports center, and they only had two parks in the town. However, many cars didn't exist back then.

Ответ дал: kassia231220201012


Ann's town thirty years ago was quite different from what it is today. There wasn't a museum at that time. Similarly, there wasn't a funfair, but there was a school. Surprisingly, there wasn't a sports center, and they only had two parks in the town. However, many cars didn't exist back then.


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