Answer the questions about yourself using / hope, I think, I believe, I expect, perhaps or probably as in the example:

1 Where will you go at the weekend?

U probably go okling in the mountains.

2 What will you buy your best friend for his/her birthday?

3 Where will you be at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon?

4 Who will you ask if you need help studying for exams?

5 Where will you spend your holidays?


Ответ дал: lanii
1. I hope I will get the chance to go with my friends to a café
2. I will by him a game for PlayStation. I think it’s about 40$
3. At 3 o’clock tomorrow I’ll probably be at home
4. I’ll ask my friend. I believe they know a lot!
5. I’ll spend my holidays in Dubai! I expect a lot of interesting places to go to there!
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