Hi Helen,
Guess what? My sister Sally is going to get 'engaged / married next week - can you come
with us to the wedding? I really want you to be there. After the wedding, Sally is going
to leave home / emigrate to France, because that's where her boyfriend Jean-Luc comes
from. Jean-Luc has just ³inherited / retired some money, and he's going to use it to start a
business/settle down in Lyons. He wants to open an art gallery there. They're really in love,
so I know they'll be very happy, and they won't split up / pass away. Anyway, email me
about the wedding.
Помогите пожалуйста, дам максимум баллов,что есть


Ответ дал: azamatasadillayev


1 married

2 leave home

3 inherited

4 business

5 up


я думаю все правильно

Вас заинтересует