1.Brian is going to spend a couple of weeks in Spain.

2.Brian is going to Spain because he likes the cool weather.

3.Tina is going to Italy alone.

4.Last year Rebecca visited Mexico.

4.Tom is going to visit France this summer.

6.Amanda is going to Australia with her friends


Ответ дал: ayrai
1. Brian is excited about his upcoming trip to Spain. He has been looking forward to this vacation for a long time and plans to spend a couple of weeks exploring the beautiful country.

2. The reason Brian chose Spain as his destination is because he enjoys the cool weather and the rich cultural experiences it offers. He's especially looking forward to trying Spanish cuisine and immersing himself in the local traditions.

3. Tina has made a bold decision to travel to Italy alone. She believes that solo travel will allow her to discover her independence and explore the picturesque cities, art, and history of Italy at her own pace.

4. Last year, Rebecca had the opportunity to visit Mexico, and it was an unforgettable experience for her. She was captivated by the vibrant culture, delicious food, and the warm hospitality of the Mexican people.

5. Tom is making plans for his upcoming summer vacation, and he's chosen France as his destination. He can't wait to explore the romantic streets of Paris, indulge in exquisite French cuisine, and soak up the rich history and art of the country.

6. Amanda is getting ready for an adventure of a lifetime as she prepares to travel to Australia with her friends. They are excited to explore the diverse landscapes, unique wildlife, and vibrant cities Down Under. This trip promises to be full of unforgettable memories and new experiences.
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