1 Write the negative sentences.
0 Miguel's got his wallet.
Miguel hasn't got his wallet. 1 Irene's got her football.
2 Dad's got his water bottle.
3 I've got my blue bag.
Emilio's got his red hat.
5. Mum's got her long scarf.
6 Sara's got her black gloves.
7 Charlotte's got her white guitar.
8 Marco's got his watch.
9 I've got my red coat.
10 Jess's got her new phone.
3 Look at the picture. Circle the correct adjectives.
1 I've got a/an old/new hat. 2 I've got a long/short scart
3 I've got a big / small book. 4 I've got a dirty/clean coat.
5 I've got a light grey / dark grey bag


Ответ дал: alexey21092010


Negative sentences:

1. Irene hasn't got her football.

2. Dad hasn't got his water bottle.

3. I haven't got my blue bag.

4. Emilio hasn't got his red hat.

5. Mum hasn't got her long scarf.

6. Sara hasn't got her black gloves.

7. Charlotte hasn't got her white guitar.

8. Marco hasn't got his watch.

9. I haven't got my red coat.

10. Jess hasn't got her new phone.

Circle the correct adjectives:

1. I've got a new hat.

2. I've got a long scarf.

3. I've got a big book.

4. I've got a clean coat.

5. I've got a dark grey bag.

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