School Life My name is Ann. I am in 8th form. I would like to tell your about our school l I go to school five days a week. Our classes start at 8 o'clock a. m. and last ti lessons a day. We study many different subjects: Russian, English, French, literat physics, chemistry, mathematics, programming and computer sciences. Languages, literature and history are my favourite subjects. I make good mark is divided into four terms, called quarters. It begins on the 1st of September known as May. Each quarter is followed by holidays. Every pupil has a day-book where the pupil has earned at the class. During the classes pupils are to answer the teacher's sentences, count, read. The pupils are often called to the blackboard. After every lesson the teache next lesson the teachers check them up. To do good at school one should make home the lessons and spend at least two-three hours every day studying. TOXI like studying. My favourite proverb is "Live and learn". bu abis di to list of bas onsq​


Ответ дал: svetazc1967


It seems that there are some sentences and phrases that are not entirely clear or may be incomplete. However, I'll provide an improved version of the text based on the provided information:

Title: School Life

My name is Ann, and I am in the 8th grade. I would like to tell you about our school life.

We attend school five days a week. Our classes begin at 8 o'clock in the morning and last until the afternoon. Throughout the school day, we study a wide range of subjects, including Russian, English, French, literature, physics, chemistry, mathematics, programming, and computer sciences. Among these, I particularly enjoy languages, literature, and history. I work hard to achieve good grades in these subjects.

Our school year is divided into four terms, which we call quarters. It starts on the 1st of September and ends in May. Each quarter is followed by a break or holidays. To keep track of our progress, every pupil has a day-book where we record the marks we earn in class. During lessons, pupils are expected to actively participate, answer the teacher's questions, count, and read. We are often called to the blackboard to demonstrate what we've learned. After each lesson, teachers check our assignments and classwork.

To excel in school, one needs to dedicate time to homework and study for at least two to three hours every day. Personally, I enjoy studying, and I strongly believe in the proverb "Live and learn."

This revised text aims to provide a more coherent description of school life. If there are specific points or questions you would like to address or expand upon, please let me know, and I will be happy to assist further.


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