Составьте 5 предложений по этой формуле: when + Adjective + noun + preposition + adjective + noun + past simple + adjective + noun + preposition + adjective + noun + preposition + adjective past coun + adj + noun + prep + adj + noun


Ответ дал: artstarbay


   When she opened the old, creaky door, she found a dusty, forgotten diary from her childhood.

   When the fierce storm hit, the massive tree in the backyard fell on the fragile, little shed, crushing it.

   When he saw the beautiful, blooming flowers in the garden, he remembered his mother's well-maintained, colorful flowerbed.

   When the curious child touched the hot, glowing stove, he quickly withdrew his burnt, tiny fingers in pain.

   When they explored the eerie, abandoned mansion, they discovered a hidden, dusty attic filled with antique, mysterious objects.

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