ПОЖАЛУЙСТА !!! срочно Помогите!!!
IV.Correct the mistakes. 1. Yesterday we swimed a lot. 2. Where is my bag? - She's in your room. 3. When Jim was three, he can't ski. 4. Does he speak japanese? 5. Samantha can play violin. V. Put the words into the correct order 1. 2. Sam/brothers/and/Bob/are? 3. will/us/an invitation/Barbara/soon/letter/send. 4. usually/a lot of/outdoors/in the summer/spend/we/time 5. we/take/in/will/school/part/sports/tomorrow/our/competitions. 6. she/when/an invitation/will/send/letter/us? missed/l/sick/yesterday/my/was/and/lessons.​


Ответ дал: Angel19st


IV. Correct the mistakes:

Yesterday we swam a lot.

"Where is my bag?" - "She's in your room."

When Jim was three, he couldn't ski.

Does he speak Japanese?

Samantha can play the violin.

V. Put the words into the correct order:

Are Sam and Bob brothers?

Barbara will send us an invitation letter soon.

We usually spend a lot of time outdoors in the summer.

We will take part in our school sports competitions tomorrow.

When will she send us an invitation letter?

I was sick yesterday and missed my lessons.


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