Cкласти 10 речень з дієсловом can, can`t


Ответ дал: M1n0taur

1. I can swim very well.

2. She can't speak Spanish fluently.

3. They can play the piano beautifully.

4. We can't go to the party tonight because of a prior commitment.

5. He can run a marathon in under 3 hours.

6. The children can't stay up too late because they have school tomorrow.

7. Can you help me with this math problem?

8. My car can reach speeds up to 200 kilometers per hour.

9. They can't decide between going to the beach or the mountains for their vacation.

10. Can I borrow your pen for a moment?

Ответ дал: meliora03


1. I can swim very well, but my brother can't.

2. She can speak four languages fluently.

3. Despite his best efforts, he can't solve this difficult maths problem.

4.They can't attend the party tonight as they have other things to do.

5. If one practises regularly, one can become a skilful musician.

6. I can't believe how fast time flies when I'm having fun.

7. Can you please pass me the salt?

8. He can fix almost anything; he's very skilful.

9. I can't go to the concert with you this weekend; I have a deadline at work.

10. She can't resist eating chocolate when it's in the house.

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