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Ответ дал: artygalievaan

I read this article last week. 2. I did not see her yesterday. 3. Their friends were at the theater yesterday. 4. She left home at seven in the morning. 5. Where did you go yesterday? 6. When did the Second World War begin? 7. Why didn't you write the test yesterday? 8. The weather was great and they went for a walk to the park. 9. He lived in London for five years when he was a child 10. We met him last year on holiday by the sea. 11. The summer was not very hot. 12. We played football yesterday and won 2:1. 13. They didn't like yesterday's performance. 14. My friend Natalya came to see me on Saturday after work. 15. We wanted to go to the park in the evening, but then we decided to go to the theater. 16. Yesterday we repeated a lot of grammar rules and did a lot of exercises. 17. The weather was good, we returned home late in the evening. 18. The examiners asked many questions, and I answered them all correctly

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