6. He went to London where he (not/be) a) had not be b) have not been before. c) had not been 7. He (not/play) tennis before that day. a) had not played b) had not play c) has not played 8. His mother was angry because he (not / help) her with a) the shopping. b) had not help c) had not helped d) has not helped 9. (you/finish) your homework before you went to the cinema? a) Did you finish b) Was you finish c) Had you finished 10. (you / have) breakfast before you came here? a) Have you had b Did you have c) Had you had​



Ответ дал: sonbaro

6. He went to London where he c) had not been before.

7. He a) had not played tennis before that day.

8. His mother was angry because he c) had not helped her with the shopping.

9. c) Had you finished your homework before you went to the cinema?

10. c) Had you had breakfast before you came here?

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