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Ответ дал: ulanalarionova309


(1) The boys said, "It has been raining since morning. We cannot play today."

Ans: The boys said that it had been raining since morning so they could not play that day.

(2) Anjan's mother said, "Your father has left for Mumbai."

Ans: Anjan's mother said that my father had left for Mumbai.

(3) My teacher said, "Practice makes a man perfect."

Ans: My teacher said that practice makes a man perfect.

(4) He says, "I go to the temple every morning."

Ans: He says that he goes to the temple every morning.

(5) He said to me, "I will not get down from the bus."

Ans: He told me that he wouldn't get down from the bus.

(6) Rita says to Mita, "I will go with you."

Ans: Rita tells Mita that she will go with her.


Чтобы заменить прямую речь на косвенную, необходимо сделать следующие изменения:

- Изменить время глагола в сообщаемой фразе(содержащей прямую речь) на одно время назад.

- Измените местоимения в сообщаемой фразе, чтобы отразить отношения между говорящим и сообщаемым.

- Уберите кавычки и вводную фразу(например, "он сказал").

Например, в первом предложении прямая речь звучит так: "It has been raining since morning. We cannot play today." Сообщаемая фраза звучит так: "it had been raining since morning so they could not play that day." Время глагола изменено с present perfect на past perfect, а местоимения "it" и "we" заменены на "it" и "they", чтобы отразить тот факт, что репортер сообщает о том, что сказали мальчики.

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