Як я і моя родина захищає довкілля(12 реч, СРОЧНО 100 БАЛОВ ДАЮ)


Ответ дал: Kormash
1. We reduce our carbon footprint by using public transportation instead of personal vehicles.

2. Recycling is a daily habit for us, separating paper, plastic, and glass to minimize waste.

3. Conserving energy is a priority; we turn off lights and appliances when not in use.

4. Our family embraces reusable items, such as water bottles and cloth bags, to minimize single-use plastics.

5. Planting trees and maintaining a garden is a family activity that contributes to local greenery.

6. We educate ourselves about environmental issues through documentaries, books, and online resources.

7. Water conservation is crucial; we fix leaks promptly and use water-efficient appliances.

8. Our household utilizes eco-friendly products, from cleaning supplies to personal care items.

9. We participate in community clean-up events to contribute to a cleaner neighborhood.

10. Supporting local and sustainable products is part of our shopping routine.

11. Our family advocates for environmental awareness in the community through discussions and workshops.

12. We actively engage in environmental initiatives, such as Earth Hour or tree-planting campaigns, to make a positive impact.
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