написать про характер друга друга зовут Артем характер придумаете желательно словами из 7 класса


Ответ дал: malikakholmuminova


My friend Artem is generous and caring. He shares things with others and helps friends in need. Artem gets along with everyone through his pleasant demeanor. He keeps the peace instead of arguing.

Unlike me, Artem stays optimistic. He finds positives and believes things will work out. This cheer lifts his motivation during difficulties. Artem has great integrity too. He is honest and trustworthy, never lying or deceiving.

While I can be introverted, Artem is extremely sociable. He has many friends of all ages. Artem brightens rooms with his lively, friendly personality. He encourages others to come out of shells too. Overall, Artem brings joy through his upbeat compassion and easygoing yet loyal character.


Ответ дал: mavtej98

Ответ:Его зовут Артем он мой лучший друг он добрый а также делиться очень многим я хочу с ним дружить очень долго.

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