сочинение на тему город моей мечты на английском маленькое примерно 5 предложений


Ответ дал: Kormash
In my dream city, bustling streets intertwine with serene parks, creating a harmonious blend of urban energy and natural tranquility. Architectural wonders adorn the skyline, reflecting a seamless integration of the past and the future. Public spaces are vibrant hubs of cultural exchange, where diverse communities come together to celebrate art, music, and shared experiences. The city's infrastructure is environmentally conscious, with efficient public transportation and lush green spaces that contribute to a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. Every corner of my dream city whispers tales of inspiration, making it a place where dreams take root and flourish.
Ответ дал: super7858


I have my own city of dreams. There are such rules there. In the city of my dreams, people will live in peace and quiet, without any worries and fears. This city will have excellent roads, cheap shops, many beautiful parks and playgrounds, several entertainment centers and much more. The city's population will be neither too rich nor too poor. People will live equally well. Elderly people will be respected and cared for. The streets will be clean and safe. There will be no homeless animals in the city of my dreams.

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