Раскройте скобки, соблюдая правила построения предложений с инфинитивными


1- I can (to drive) a car.
2. She needs (to learh) these words harder.
3. I like (to wake up) early every day. 4. He hates (to work).
5. I should (to tell) the truth, I didn't pass the exam.
6. She does not (to make) breakfast in the morning
7. Let me (to do) it
8. Make him (to do) the exercise.
9. I'm sorry (to hit) you.
10. They are strong enough (to lift) the box


Ответ дал: bettlot8


1. I can **drive** a car.

2. She needs **to learn** these words harder.

3. I like **to wake up** early every day.

4. He hates **to work**.

5. I should **tell** the truth; I didn't pass the exam.

6. She does not **make** breakfast in the morning.

7. Let me **do** it.

8. Make him **do** the exercise.

9. I'm sorry **for hitting** you.

10. They are strong enough **to lift** the box.

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