31 Make wp sentenses using the have got, howen't got, hos got​


Ответ дал: leviytap0k


1. I have got a new car, and I'm excited to take it for a spin.

2. She hasn't got any plans for the weekend, so she's looking for something fun to do.

3. He has got a lot of experience in software development, which makes him a valuable team member.

4. We haven't got any milk left, so I need to pick some up from the store.

5. The cat has got a playful personality and loves chasing after toys.

6. Have you got any spare change for the parking meter?

7. I haven't got the time to attend the meeting this afternoon.

8. She has got a beautiful garden filled with colorful flowers.

9. Do you have any snacks? I haven't got anything to eat right now.

10. He hasn't got a clue about how to fix the computer, so he called a technician for help.

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