O Vocabulary 1 Vocabulary-building: Verbs and nouns k at the words in bold in the pairs of sentences. Write verb (V) or noun (N). mple: A After the lecture, we discuss the topic. V B The discussion after the lecture was interesting. N I want to teach geography when I leave university. We have two teachers for mathematics. Most people study English nowadays. One area of media studies is how we communicate online. . I hope to manage my own department one day. I'd like to study management at university. What are your plans for the future? What subjects do you plan to study? . I work at Oxford University and I lecture in history. My father is a lecturer at Oxford University. My presentation is about my plans for the future. I'd like to present some information about me. write the sentences so they are true for you. mple: I study engineering at university. study English at university. have two teachers for my English lessons. In the future I hope to study management. also plan to open my own business. 2 Collocation: Verb + noun derline the verb in each sentence. Write the noun that collocates with each verb. ercises lectures notes solutions subjects textbooks videos ample: Which subjects do you study? For my course, I read a lot of different Please make on the lecture. How often do you do the Do you watch In engineering, we find At university, students listen to in the book? on your course? to the problem. oose the correct verbs in italics. Listen to the teacher and repeat / do the sentence. I want to do/ become a Master's degree. You can develop/copy your physical ability with lots of practice. Your teachers give / make you feedback. learn / practise the piano twice a week. How many words can you study/ remember from the last lesson? INDEPENDEL STUDY It is important to word class of an e.g. verb (v), nou adjective (adj). Write down ne from this unit a write the word afterwards, for study (v), stude​


Ответ дал: DmitryConnoisseur1


Certainly! Here are the answers for the exercise you provided:

1. Vocabulary-building:

a. teach (V)

b. teachers (N)

c. study (V)

d. studies (N)

e. manage (V)

f. management (N)

g. work (V)

h. lecturer (N)

i. plans (N)

j. present (V)

Your personalized sentences:

- I study computer science at university.

- I have two professors for my computer science classes.

- In the future, I hope to work in software development.

- I also plan to start my own tech startup.

2. Collocation:

- make notes

- on your course

- listen to the lectures

- in the textbook

Choose the correct verbs in italics:

- I want to do a Master's degree.

- You can develop your physical ability with lots of practice.

- Your teachers give you feedback.

- I practice** the piano twice a week.

- How many words can you remember from the last lesson?

Regarding "INDEPENDEL STUDY," it seems to be a heading or instruction rather than a sentence, and the rest appears to be cut off. If you have more questions or need further assistance, please feel free to ask.

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