Заполни пропуски местоимениями my, your, his, her, its, our unw their.

1 This is Bill and this is his dog.

2 This is Mary and this is......doll.

This is Pam and Ted, this is....cat.

This is me and this is.........


5 This is you and this is......parrot.

6 We are Rob and Kevin and this is..... snake.

7 This is a robot and this is....head.

8 This is me and this is....kite.

9 This is Kim and Sam and this is...... rabbit.


Ответ дал: obaijakk

Ответ:2 her doll, them cat , mine bike

5 you're . 6 us , 7 his , 8 my , 9 them


mrjalibek: Это правильно?
Ответ дал: eqaze

2. Her.

3. Their.

4. My.

5. Your.

6. Our.

7. Its.

8. My.

9. Their.

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