Впр. 42. Передайте подані речення непрямою мовою. 1. She said: "My grandmother hates leaving doors open". 2. "Do you think you always right?" she asked me. 3. "Is there something wrong with you?" my friend said

to me."What can I do for you?" 4. "You told me to be objective and that's what I do", said

Mary to her mother.

5. Frank said to Jane: "I suppose nothing will change your decision". 6. "Please, don't help him!" said woman. - "He can do it

by himself". 7. "Which of you is free now?" asked the teacher. 8. "Don't criticise your friend", said Nike.

9. Rita said to me: "What has mother told you to do

today?" 10. "I can look after myself", said the old man.

11. "Why did you use the phone without asking?" said John. 12. "Don't fold back the pages of my book?" Frank said to

Mary. 13. Mark said to me: "You have never been so insulted!" 14. "Do you think it's strange that he wants to sleep on the

floor?" Julia asked Tom. 15. "If I feel better, I will come to see you tomorrow", said Helen to me.


Ответ дал: bettlot8


1. She said that her grandmother hated leaving doors open.

2. She asked me if I thought I was always right.

3. My friend asked me if there was something wrong with me and what she could do for me.

4. Mary told her mother that she had been told to be objective, and that's what she was doing.

5. Frank told Jane that he supposed nothing would change her decision.

6. The woman requested, "Please, don't help him! He can do it by himself."

7. The teacher asked which of us was free at that moment.

8. Nike advised not to criticize our friend.

9. Rita asked me what mother had told me to do that day.

10. The old man stated, "I can look after myself."

11. John inquired why I had used the phone without asking.

12. Frank told Mary not to fold back the pages of his book.

13. Mark told me that I had never been so insulted.

14. Julia asked Tom if he thought it was strange that he wanted to sleep on the floor.

15. Helen told me that if she felt better, she would come to see me the next day.

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