1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in the present simple tense: a. She (read) a book every night. (go) to school by bus. (like) to play basketball on weekends. b. They c. I
2. Rewrite the following sentences in the negative form of the present simple tense: a. He studies Spanish. b. She eats ice cream. c. We visit the museum.
3. Form questions using the present simple tense for the following statements: a. He speaks English. b. They watch TV in the evening. c. She plays the piano well.
4. Write short answers to the following questions using the present simple tense: a. Do you like chocolate? b. Does he go to the gym? c. Is she a teacher?
5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb "to be" (am, is, are): a student. a. I b. They happy. c. She at work right now.
6. Fill in the blanks with the correct form the verb in the present continuous tense: a. She (read) a book right now. b. They c. I (play) soccer in the park at the moment. (study) for my exam this evening.
7. Rewrite the following sentences in the negative form of the present continuous tense: a. He is watching TV. b. They are eating lunch. c. She is singing a song.
8. Form questions using the present continuous tense for the following statements: a. He is writing a letter. b. They are cooking dinner. c. She is taking a shower.
Допоможіть якщо неважко то в зошиті в клітинку ​


Ответ дал: ak040909


Звісно, давайте відповімо на ваші запитання.

1. a. She **reads** a book every night. (goes) to school by bus. (likes) to play basketball on weekends.

b. They **do not (don't)** read a book every night. (do not go) to school by bus. (do not like) to play basketball on weekends.

c. I **read** a book every night.

2. a. He **does not (doesn't)** study Spanish.

b. She **does not (doesn't)** eat ice cream.

c. We **do not (don't)** visit the museum.

3. a. Does he speak English?

b. Do they watch TV in the evening?

c. Does she play the piano well?

4. a. Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

b. Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't.

c. Yes, she is. / No, she isn't.

5. a. I **am** a student.

b. They **are** happy.

c. She **is** at work right now.

6. a. She **is reading** a book right now.

b. They **are playing** soccer in the park at the moment.

c. I **am studying** for my exam this evening.

7. a. He **is not (isn't)** watching TV.

b. They **are not (aren't)** eating lunch.

c. She **is not (isn't)** singing a song.

8. a. Is he writing a letter?

b. Are they cooking dinner?

c. Is she taking a shower?

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