помогите пожалуйста, надо сделать из предложений пассивный залог

1. He used a lot of bad words while speaking and Emily was shocked at his rudeness. 2. The cruel uncle threatened to punish the little girl for what she hadn't done. 3. Modern progress threatensbthe life of people on the Earth. 4. Modern television teaches people immortality. 5. Young children often watch programmes that teach them wrong things. 6. Television should not support any political groups.​


Ответ дал: imacasper1


1)A lot of bad words were used by him while speaking and Emily was shocked at his rudeness.

2)The little girl was threatened with punishment by the cruel uncle for what she hadn't done.

3)The life of people on the Earth is threatened by modern progress.

4)Immortality is taught to people by modern television.

5)Young children are often taught wrong things by the programmes they watch.

6)Any political groups should not be supported by television.

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