For athletes, the Olympic Games is often considered the most important event of their career. It is the chance to compete with the best sportsmen and women from around the world. But what happens to athletes when they are too old to part at this level? At this point many athletes are still young: often between 25 and 35 years old. This can be a difficult time for many athletes. Only a number of them are as famous as Usain Bolt and can earn a lot of money as a celebrity. Others are lucky enough to start a career connected with their sport, for instance as 3 for the next generation of Olympians. But for most athletes, when they * from being a professional sportsperson, their whole 5 of life changes. They often start studying again and go to university. In fact, nowadays many athletes study for a while they are training. This means they are better prepared for the time when their sports careers are over.


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When athletes reach the point where they are too old to compete at the Olympic Games, which often happens when they are in their late 20s to mid-30s, they face a significant challenge in their careers. While the Olympics mark the pinnacle of their sporting achievements, transitioning out of professional sports can be tough. Unlike renowned figures like Usain Bolt, most athletes don't have the celebrity status that ensures financial stability after retirement. Some fortunate ones find new roles within their sport, coaching and guiding the next generation of Olympians.

For many athletes, the end of their professional sports career marks a major turning point. They often return to education, enrolling in universities to pursue academic qualifications. In today's world, it has become common for athletes to study while simultaneously training. This dual focus not only enhances their skills and knowledge but also prepares them for life after sports, offering a more secure future beyond their athletic endeavors.

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