1 At the end of the festival, they ........... off lots of
A blew B lit c let D threw
2 Cars should always stop for people to pass at
pedestrian .........
A roundabouts
B crossroads
3........... average, the nature reserve is visited by 5,000
people each week.
A On
B At
C With
D By
4 The tradition is to ............ flowers and decorate your
home with them.
A gather B offer
c snap
D prepare
5 The streets were packed ........... people on the first day
of the festival.
A to
A came
B watched
B in
C of
D with
6 During the safari, Jane ............ face to face with an
C crossings
D junctions
A infectious
B poisonous
7 The amazing view from the top of the mountain really
blew me........
A out
C experienced
D felt
B up
C off
8 Alan is............ to nuts, so don't give him any peanut
B for
C allergic
D ill
9 After his swim, Peter dried himself.......... with a towel.
A out
B off
C up
D on
10 They followed a hiking ........... deep into the forest.
B line
A trail
C stream D lane
11 Adam prefers to experience the local ............. when he's
on holiday, rather than staying in beach resorts.
A culture
B custom
D away
C tradition
D legend
12 With its wide paths, this forest is perfect...........nature.
A with
C from
C back
13 Alice looked............ a travel guidebook on her flight to
A around B over
D through
D over


Ответ дал: kolosvit8020


1. At the end of the festival, they **lit** off lots of fireworks. (B lit)

2. Cars should always stop for people to pass at pedestrian **crossings**. (C crossings)

3. **On** average, the nature reserve is visited by 5,000 people each week. (A On)

4. The tradition is to **gather** flowers and decorate your home with them. (A gather)

5. The streets were packed **with** people on the first day of the festival. (D with)

6. During the safari, Jane **came** face to face with an elephant! (A came)

7. The amazing view from the top of the mountain really blew me **away**. (A out)

8. Alan is **allergic** to nuts, so don't give him any peanut butter. (C allergic)

9. After his swim, Peter dried himself **off** with a towel. (B off)

10. They followed a hiking **trail** deep into the forest. (A trail)

11. Adam prefers to experience the local **culture** when he's on holiday, rather than staying in beach resorts. (A culture)

12. With its wide paths, this forest is perfect **for** nature walks. (A with)

13. Alice looked **through** a travel guidebook on her flight to London. (D through)



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