2. Преобразуйте предложения, изменив время и используя слова в скобках вместо выделенных слов.
- Рядом с каждым исходным и новым предложением укажите видовую форму глагола (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous);
-составьте вопросительное и отрицательное предложение к каждому исходному и новому предложению.

1. I never eat mushrooms. (now)
2. Mrs. Sanders is closing her shop now. (already)
3. He smokes every half an hour. (since 2005)
4. Every summer we visit our relatives in France. (twice this year)
5. Tom has been wearing glasses for 2 years. (every day at school)
6. We have just built a sand castle on the beach. (now)


Ответ дал: elyxiii



Present Simple:


I never eat mushrooms. (now)

Do you ever eat mushrooms? (Question)

I don't eat mushrooms. (Negative)

Present Continuous:


Mrs. Sanders is closing her shop now. (already)

Is Mrs. Sanders closing her shop now? (Question)

Mrs. Sanders isn't closing her shop now. (Negative)

Present Simple:


He smokes every half an hour. (since 2005)

Does he smoke every half an hour? (Question)

He doesn't smoke every half an hour. (Negative)

Present Perfect:


Every summer we visit our relatives in France. (twice this year)

Have you visited your relatives in France twice this year? (Question)

We haven't visited our relatives in France twice this year. (Negative)

Present Perfect Continuous:


Tom has been wearing glasses for 2 years. (every day at school)

Has Tom been wearing glasses every day at school for 2 years? (Question)

Tom hasn't been wearing glasses every day at school for 2 years. (Negative)

Present Perfect:


We have just built a sand castle on the beach. (now)

Have you just built a sand castle on the beach? (Question)

We haven't just built a sand castle on the beach. (Negative)

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